Online available for all logistics & SAP topics!
Now that LogiMAT has also been cancelled to contain the Corona pandemic and we too have taken all necessary measures to protect our customers, business partners and employees, we are offering you an alternative to the personal exchange of information with the Online Logistics Consultation.
Visit us at our Online Logistics Consultation!
Daily from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Duration: 45 minutes
Duration: 45 minutes
Although personal contact is very important, we would like to offer you the opportunity to exchange information directly with our SAP and logistics experts.
We are looking forward to meeting you!
Your LogiPlus Team
Selected topics of our consultation:
- SAP EWM S/4HANA: Integration options (decentralised or embedded)
- LP PoweredEWM: Rapid Deployment Solution to implement a complete SAP EWM system in record speed. With practical examples - Highlight: Implementation at our customer Freudenberg Sealing Technologies
- SAP EWM on Demand: all-inclusive package for SAP EWM as SaaS - all services from a single source
- SAP MFS: Practical examples for the integration of a fully automated material flow control
- SAP Stock Room Management: Formerly known as SAP WM - Lighting up when the solution makes sense
- LP Add-Ons for the warehouse: Presentation of our Add-Ons and how they can close gaps in the SAP standard
- Additional challenges and requirements of your company